- Iconx - UGM FoP Graduate - Valedictorian, Peer in Recovery
- Explained concept of Rukun (harmony) to me
- Swastaji Agung Rahmadi - UGM IR, Junior Researcher, Indigenous Javanese in Yogyakarta
- Indigenous concepts are important to understand Javanese in Yogyakarta
- Afina - UGM IR
- Terms commonly used to refer to persons with mental illness(es) like idiot, autis, gila has seeped into daily language.
- Peers at PSSAT
- Peers at Korean Language Diploma class
- Peers at CICP, Faculty of Psychology, UGM
- Aliya helped me with the translation of my survey from English to Bahasa Indonesia.
- Mbak Ariana - CPMH MSW
- Suggested that I used a quantitative approach.
- Supervisors Dr. Wenty - youth specialist
- Encouraged me to use mixed methods, combining ethnographic observations, with qualitative interviews and quantitative findings.
- Mbak Aspi - Community Mental Health Worker at RSJ Grhasia (KESWAMAS), former psychiatric nurse, current Masters candidate at UGM Faculty of Psychology
- Exposed me to various phenomenon
- Training of housewives - mental health cadres in the villages x 2 for "Empathic Communication - Basic Counselling"
- Caregiver Support Group for persons caring for persons with mental illness(es)
- Talks on "Understanding Schizophrenia", "Creating a mentally healthy generation," and "Overcoming Stigma in Yogyakarta"
- Pasung of Luji Lestari
- Ibu Tyas - Chief Community Mental Health Worker at RSJ Grhasia (KESWAMAS), former psychiatric nurse
- The stigma mental health professionals faced from their own families
- Mas Tarjo - Community Mental Health Worker at RSJ Grhasia (KESWAMAS), former psychiatric nurse
- Pasung
- Psychiatrist - Dr. Ida Rochmawati
- Global, national and local view of the state of mental health in Yogyakarta
- Media plays a negative role of perpetuating stigma (because their focus is on news angle)
- Psychiatrist - Dr. Tika Prasetiawati
- Media plays a dual role -- perpetuating stigma and educating communities positively
- Psychology Lecturer - Pak Subandi, Vice Dean Faculty of Psychology
- Spirituality is central towards wellness and illness.
- Psychology Lecturer - Pak Koentjoro, Expert in Community Development
- Indigenous concepts of happiness are key to wellness - this can be done through Ki Ageng Suryomentaram's teachings - indigenous psychoanalytic approach to happiness
- Ibu Emmy, Laughter Yoga Teacher
- Laughing without reason may be perceived as "crazy" but laughing without reason is also the key reason to train our mind via behaviour to inspire paradigm shifts to induce happiness!