Friday, October 9, 2015

Caregiver's Journey: Relapses are common, Managing Reactions of neighbours (9/10)

Pak Harry and Son (Caregiver and ODS) (9/10)

Pak Yustinus Harry Nugroho and his Son who was diagnosed with schizophrenia

He started his sharing by showcasing the behaviour of his son, smoking non-stop, looking aimlessly and talking to self.

Reactions to diagnosis
When he was diagnosed, he will keep asking "why can't I go university?" He will punch himself.

#Evidence of self-blame via self-punishment.

During a relapse: 
He talked to himself.
Prayed to "nobody"
His eyes were empty.
He will walk on his own - "kosong"

#Relapses are common.

How he felt
I felt really sad (sedih sekali)
Why must it be my Son?

How he react?
- not defensive
- patient, explain to them, help them understand

(I received encouragement from the Neighbours in my Neighbourhood, many well wishes that he can become better)

Harus optimise. Harus positive!

What helped Pak Harry

Attended a training for caregiver by RSJ Grahsia 
- he received social support
- realised that he is not alone
- became convinced that there is hope for recovery for ODS

He now runs the support group independently.

He wished for:
- more community support
- more understanding and empathy towards PMI

Recorded post-seminar on "Undersranding Schizophrenia" Organised by Lembaga Mahasiswa Psikologi on 9 October 2015

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