- lack of appreciation shown via a lack of clapping at seminars
- leaving things behind for others to clear
- need to have an official opening
- Only 12 out of 80 in attendance are males
- It is interesting to see what psychologist Dr. Adiyanti classify as problems and strengths of youths
- Spirituality is a major component of mental health in Indonesia
- Definition of “what does it mean to have a mentally healthy generation?”
- Creating a generation that is not free from all problems but one that can solve their own problems
- Dr. Ida: Attribution of causes to B.P.S., when do we need to bring the kid to the professional?
#aib = #stigma
Dr. Maria Adiyanti | What will you prioritise as the issues to resolve for children and youths? |
Dr. Astriana Praharani, Sp.A, Child Specialist |
What do people in the community usually attribute as the causes of mental illnesses? |
- focus on promotion and prevention
Mbak Tyas’s speech:
- over social media, we have seen cases of cyber-bullying
- this world we are living in, has many influences
- challenges for raising and educating kids
- Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten — healthcare policymakers
- TK (kindergarten) teachers
- Healthcare Professionals
Head, RSJ Grhasia
- “We need to go close to the community, the mental health hospital cannot just stay in the institution. We need to have efforts that focus on promotion and prevention. That’s why KESWAMAS was started.”
dr. Astriana Praharani, Sp.A, Child Specialist
- growth stages of children
Dr. MG. Adiyanti
Just like cooking “nasi goreng,” the taste cooked by different people always come out different. Even though, the ingredients added and climate might be similar. Nurturing kids and youths are not that much different.
Some problems
- hooked on to phones
- depression by loneliness / neglect / bullying
- child abuse
- cyber bullying
- bullying in school
- lack of aspirations
- free sex
- pre-martial sex and closeness
- heavy smoking
- glue sniffing (even for kids) and drugs
- abortions
Some strengths
- people dedicated to the promotion and participation of arts and culture
- participation in competititons, bringing glory
- participation in KKN
- working to provide for family
- participation in discussions for academic improvements
The double-lives of youths
- religiousity — pray 5 times a day
- but take drugs 5 times a day too
- and say as long as he don’t get caught, he will continue
What does it mean to have a mentally health generation?
- A generation that is not only physically healthy, but also psychologically and spiritually
- sebagai generasi yang sehat baik fisik, psikis maupun rohani
- Generation
- not a generation that is free from all problems
- but a generation that can solve their own problems by their own means
- people who can be accepted by their neighbourhood
- people who do not causes harm to others
- people who do not hurt themselves
- organic
- supervision
- by teachers and parents
- interpersonal
- intrapersonal
- socioeconomic status
The conditions are different
- technologically savvy
- connected generation
- information-bombarded generation
“It takes a village to raise a child.” — African Proverb, popularised by Hillary Clinton
The village in Yogyakarta, Indonesia consists of:
- Playgroup (TK)
- Sessions for kids to read the koran
- Plays for learn-n-play
- Scouts
- Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini - early childhood education programmes
- Summer camp adventure club
- give kids money to shop but give rules — learn skills of financial planning, budgeting
Kid get bullied but dare not say out of threats.
- How will parents / teachers resolve this problem?
- Kids solved their own problem:
- teacher ask what can you all do?
- the kids thought and said we can accompany each other
- safety in company
Thinking out of the box
Mengenal dan Mengelola Kesehtan Jiwa pada anak dan remaja
Dr. Ida Rochmawati M.Sc. Sp. KJ (K) RSUD Wonosari Gunung Kidul
- what does it mean to be “naughty” for kids?
- could it be attention-deficit disorder? or ADHD instead?
- Social training — whose role is it? — a prevalent perception of females below males?
Why is it important for us to talk about mental health in Yogyakarta?
- Berdasarkan hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (RISKEDAS) 2007 prosentase gangguan mental emosional mencapai, 11.6% dari sekitar 19 juta penduduk yang berusia 15 tahun ke atas
- Based on the results of Basic Health Research in 2007 the percentage of mental disorders emotional reach, 11.6% of the approximately 19 million people aged 15 years and over
What are the common mental health conditions?
- Cemas pada anak (anxiety)
- usually expressed through physical reactions (inability to relax, always falling sick, headache)
- affective disturbance — depression
- gangguan perilaku (disturbed behaviour)
- eating disorders
- Anorexia
- Bulimia
- elimination disorders
- Enueresis
- psychosis
- Autism
- Mental retardation
Insomnia (types)
- broken insomnia — usually depression
- insomnia alone — usually anxiety
- insomnia — can sleep but wake up early and can’t return to sleep
Apa penyebab dari gangguan jiwa? (What causes mental disorders?)
- Biological
- Psychological
- Social
- erroneous perceptions from the community
- it delays help-seeking behaviour
- because of erroneous attribution of problems — not to BPS
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