RSJ Grahsia (observations on environment)
- tenang (peaceful) on Sat
- focus on rehabilitation
- located far from city centre (usually for rehabilitation houses)
- bureaucratic - requires letter from Heads to Heads - shows the importance RSJ Grahsia placed on patients' confidentiality
Interview with Mbak Apsi of KESWAMA revealed:
- menolong - PMI can be helped and more can be done to help them. I want to do what I can to help them.
- there are barriers - due to bureaucracy - challenging to go directly to people - the stratified hierarchy suggest that there are levels to go - this might incur inefficiencies - as evidenced by the result of DSSJ being spread to 6 villages in 5 years
- DSSJ (Desa Siaga Sakit Jiwa) - Village Readiness for Mental Illness - is a Programme targets at 5 regencies in D.I.Y.
- patients that come to Grahsia from the desa (village) are usually those who have gone to the dukun for 5 to 10 times with no results
- the families usually have huge debts and lost many savings at this point in time (bcoz the demands of ube rampe from a dukun can be extremely challenging to attain) - desperate to help their kids
- Grahsia is usually seen as the last choice to go to - the last resort
- not really possible to work with dukun because
(1) medical practitioners see them as being of lower status (dislike to associate) - no evidence / non-scientific
(2) agama - musyrik is not good - everything is planned by God - nrimo better
(3) because of stigma, dukun many times don't identify themselves as dukun - they call themselves kiyai, religious leaders who are experts on paranormal phenomenon
- Going Forward: How can we achieve better mental wellness?
* research
* sosialisasi (psychoeducation promotion and training)
* bebas (free) pasung movement - and treat them medically and with dignity
* reduce stigma through education
* build connections between sectors
Remark by Anita, S2 senior
(it is better to be possessed than to be mentally ill)