Conversations with Mbak Wenty, internship supervisor on the state of youths in Jogja
More well-informed: access to more sources of information. More resources
As an educator, this is good as "discussions (among students and teachers) become richer."
- Mbak Wenty
What are some issues of concern?
Students might feel overwhelmed by the wealth of information.
This information can be used for good and bad. Exposure to media - advertisements inspire wants and consumption. Lifestyle choices like pornography and free sex may be influenced.
There are concerns with emotional well-being of students. Tensions between the desire for pre-marital sex and religious fundamentalism (a return to more religious piety). Some lead double lives. Mental stress and guilt may occur as a result.
Adjustment issues. This is compounded and complemented with the fact that in Kota Pelajar, many students are away from home and realise their newfound independence endows them with power to make decisions independently and choose what lifestyle they want.
These decisions can go a long way in influencing their future and outlook.
Dating culture
Pre-dating is usually done via social media and LINE rather than in person. Dating is before and after getting into a relationship in Singapore. But in Indonesia, dating is done after the guy ask the lady to be his pacar, with the preparation/intention to get married.
According to Luthfi, Undergraduate (Law), these are the youths problems of the day:
- free sex
- drugs
- ethics (cheating, plagiarism, corruption - bribing)
These "sins" and lifestyle choices can lead to the development of "ill" mental health.
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