Tuesday, September 8, 2015

#3 - PMI: How can I get help?

Conversations with Supervisor Mbak Ariana, M.Sci Social Work - Week 2

How does the community mental health landscape look like?

This is a map of the "defences" in the system.

For those in the community / the poor without private insurance, they have to go to PUSKEMAS first. If they need specialist treatment, they must get a referral. Similar to the Polyclinic system in Singapore.

#1 - Primary Health Care - PUSKEMAS
(for those with General Insurance Coverage)

#2 - Secondary Health Care - hospitals
(For those with private health care insurance)

Reminder: learn about the city structure 

Key reflections:

Mbak Ariana related those who sought the help of dukun as those who are less educated and those who have less access to services.

How can we improve the mental health services?
Mbak Ariana wishes that more districts have psychologists. The alternative is to have more GPs and nurses trained in mental health. The current issue is there is a limited supply of psychiatrists and psychologists.
Eg. Community Mental Health Nurse (CMHN) programme - to train and certify nurses
Eg. GP+ programme - qualify GPs to do assessments and prescribe anti-depressants as well as anti-psychotics 
Eg. Targeting the community to support PUSKEMAS
CPMH has a new initiative to train volunteers in mental health - mental health cadre. They will help to conduct initial screening for PMIs, deliver psychoeducation but NOT interventions.

Referred me to Mbak Nurul, who's heading the initiative. Will get involved in the planning for the training which will happen in 2 weeks time.

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